How I Made Six Figures As An Entrepreneur

Today, we are talking all about money! Money most certainly isn’t everything, but it gives you options and through my progression as an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that it is a necessity to achieving your goals and is a tool to help you do so. Below I’ll detail how I made my first six figures as … Read more

7 Ways To Manage Burnout at Work

Work. A concept and aspect of our lives that, for many, has had many twists and turns over the last year and a half. Whether it was reduced hours, job loss, or the work from home transition because of the pandemic, we have all been shaped and molded by collective trauma in 2020 and 2021. … Read more

How I Paid Off Six Figures in Student Loans

By Melody Barthelemy Melody’s story is not uncommon. We previously shared one woman’s woman story to repay six figures in student loans. According to Student, the majority of student loan borrowers take out loans from the federal government, with a total of 43 million borrowers that have $1,447.1 billion outstanding in student loan debt. Although … Read more

Homeownership: 3 Reasons to Buy A Home This Year

January 21 is “Own Your Home Day” and was established to encourage homeownership. Today, in early observance of Own Your Home Day this post discusses three major benefits of homeownership. Homeownership is a milestone financial decision. Are you on the fence about whether or not to purchase a home? You’re not alone! Purchasing a home is … Read more

The Racial Wealth Gap: Origins and Solutions

By Bryan Mapenzi The racial wealth gap has a profound impact on communities of color. There are vast disparities in the attempt to achieve wealth, the American Dream and the pursuit of happiness. All three have paved the way for America being the wealthiest country in the world based on nominal GDP. Although this holds … Read more

Navigating Buying a Home Among Rising Interest Rates

By Bryan Mapenzi The last several months have been a financial whirlwind for many. Inflation has been ravaging discretionary funds and demeanors left and right. This “invisible tax” has caused everything we purchase to be more expensive and in order to tame it, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates at an alarming rate, increasing … Read more